Dr. Jeffrey S. Garelick, DDS, is a cosmetic and dental implants dentist in Chandler, AZ. He has over 25 years of experience in advanced dental restorations with dentures, bridgework, and dental implants.
Many people ask about dental implants, dental implant-supported bridges, and dentures. I have found over the years that some types of dental restorations work well, and other types can leave patients dissatisfied.

Teeth in a day.
Considering that dentures are about 25% as effective as teeth. Bad teeth tend to be better than good dentures. And, dental implants are 100% as effective as a natural tooth. It’s no wonder that just about anyone missing a tooth or missing all their teeth is looking for dental implants.
Over my 25 plus years as a dentist, I have tried several treatments. The current treatments that many other dentists and I recommend are dentures or bridges totally secured by dental implants. Dentures or dental bridges anchored to the jaw bone by implants are as secure as your original teeth. These types of restorations are non-removable teeth. Most people can’t tell they even have dental implants or bridges because they feel very comfortable. Commonly called an “all-on-four,” four dental implants are placed in the jaw and anchored to a denture or dental bridge in place.
The dental process is simple. X-rays are taken of your existing teeth and supporting bone. A determination is then made of where to place the dental implants and develop the best smile for you. Once the dental plan is complete, an appointment for implant placement is made. During that appointment, your dental implants are placed, and the bridgework or denture is anchored. Most people choose to be asleep for this procedure, and sedation dentistry is an option. Patients wake at the end of the procedure with a great new smile and improved dental function. Most people quickly adjust to the look and feel. So many have commented that they wonder why they took so long to get this done. Because placement is often done in a single visit, the procedure is called “Teeth-in-a-day.”
Many patients want the option to remove their dentures for cleaning and convenience or elect removable for financial reasons. This is commonly called an “overdenture,” an implant-retained overdenture that allows for a denture to set over the implants’ top and snaps into place, which allows for easy removal and cleaning. Regular implants can support these overdentures. If there is a limited amount of bone, mini-dental implants allow patients who were once told that they were not good candidates for dental implants to enjoy these benefits now.
The industry has made great strides in the area of mini dental implants over the last few years. The mini implant comes in many sizes. Now just about anyone that wants dental implants can have this treatment. And, this has become more affordable during the past few years.
You can have the smile you have always wanted in just a few days.
Call (480) 855-1994, Chandler Dentist, Jeffrey S. Garelick now and change your life for the better.
Chandler, AZ 85248 USA